A Denver Family's Adventure Through The Ups And Downs of Life

Friday, January 8, 2010

Money Matters

I need to start taking a good look at where my money goes each month. I know that there are plenty of places where I can save money and be able to use it on the things that really matter.

Here are some of my financial goals for 2010.
• Kiss those credit cards goodbye
• Pay down debt
• Create a budget and try to stick to it
• Start investing 15% of my household income in retirement
• Sock money away for Sam’s college
• Organize pantry monthly or quarterly to stop wasting food
• Purchase more organic & locally grown foods (they are so expensive)

HERE is a website that I have been reading to help me find ways to save. Not only does this mom have ideas, she lets other people post their ideas as well.

I have also found some really good deals on this website.

I have saved a ton of money by making all of Sam’s food instead of buying it. I have been relying on this website for his meals.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds pretty similar to my goals. I sat down and made a budget at the beginning of the year. Have you checked out Sunflower Market and Sprouts Market? That's where I get my healthy food from and on Wednesday's ads from the previous week and the next week are both good.


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