A Denver Family's Adventure Through The Ups And Downs of Life

Friday, March 18, 2011

“Ten Ways I Break the Rules”

These days pick up any magazine, watch any news show, talk to any doctor/therapist/professional, and you are told what you should do and how you should do it.

Drink more water! Eat more fiber! Sleep 8 hours! It’s stinking impossible to follow all the rules.

So, I don’t. Let’s face it. I’m not perfect and it takes way too much work to be that way. Some things have to go and I’m not going to feel badly about it unless it is going to kill me, hurt someone else or send me to jail for life.

Here are ten confessions that were so easy to come up with I’m sure there are a lot more:

  1. I always drive (at least) ten miles over the speed limit. I’ve only had one speeding ticket in my entire life. 
  2. I don't give my husband enough credit for everything that he does for his family.  I just jump down his throat about- What have you done today?
  3. I don’t drink 64 oz of water a day. Not sure many I drink, but it’s not enough.
  4. I sometime chew my fingernails.  Yuck!
  5. I don’t floss. Maybe once a quarter. Gross, I know. I usually lie to the dentist.
  6. I almost never stretch before or after I run.
  7. I haven't had a full 8 hours of sleep for over 2 years.
  8. It has been years since I have been on a weight lifting routine.  I know that this will help me increase my running speed and my weight loss, but when I get home, I want to spend time with my son and chill.
  9. I don't always shower after my lunchtime run.  Thank goodness I have my own office, so if you can deal with it, I can too.
  10. I stole the idea for this post from SUAR. I'm also stealing some of your confessions for myself.

How do you break the rules?

Let’s get the ball rolling and be real. Post about it on your blog under “Ten Ways I Break the Rules”. Or, just leave me a comment. It’s fun to confess.

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